10 Questions to Answer Before Open Enrollment


Open Enrollment is just around the corner… Mosaic can help

Before you start your Open Enrollment process, be sure to get together with your team and answer the following questions:

1. When is the Open Enrollment going to be live?
Start with a clear schedule and make sure everyone on the team is on the same page.

2. Are you staying with the same vendors?
The decision to change vendors could have been made earlier in the year, make sure your vendor selections are complete before beginning the process.

3. Will new interfaces be needed or will existing interfaces need to be modified?
Regardless of whether or not you are sticking with your current vendors, review your interfaces and make sure they are working for you.

Now on to more tactical questions:

4. How many deduction benefit groups do you currently maintain and how many will be going through Open Enrollment?

5. How many pay groups and pay frequencies do you have?

6. How many sessions will you need?
If employees have different pay frequencies, pay period start/end dates, or plan effective dates, separate sessions may need to be configured.

7. Are you moving to new plan codes or are you updating the rates on the current plans you have in the system?

8. Are there any custom reports that might be needed?

9. Will you use UKG Pro for Open Enrollment or will you use external vendor or process? If external, how will you import open enrollment data into UKG Pro?

10. Do you have employee communication templates drafted?

Open Enrollment can be daunting, whether you need help answering these questions or need assistance throughout the entire process, Mosaic is here for you. We are dedicated to your success with UKG Pro and our team of experts will make sure that this is your best year yet and that you and your team will shine during Open Enrollment.